There is a great need for truck drivers in America today. And yet, the industry continues to struggle to bring in new blood. What’s the cause for this disconnect? Part of the issue is likely due to stigma surrounding what truck drivers are like.
Another reason often given is that freight and logistics companies simply don’t offer the things that potential drivers value. This is especially true for millennial works who, more than previous generations, place a large emphasis on their values being understood. Their values aren’t necessarily different. They are simply less willing to compromise on them.
Here are a few of the big areas that both young and old truck drivers put value in.
Many people are drawn to the trucking industry because of the promise of freedom on the open road. But that sense of freedom only exists if they’re treated with trust and dignity. A lack of respect and fair treatment is a common reason why people leave the industry altogether.
All of the other items on this post could be met, but if a driver feels disrespected, it doesn’t matter. Many truck drivers, as well as people considering truck driving have ultimately gone on to jobs where they feel more appreciated.
Competitive Salary
At the end of the day, we’re working to get paid. If your paycheck isn’t covering your needs, it defeats the purpose of working. While some trucking companies offer very good pay, others try to overwork their drivers without properly compensating them for their efforts.
The benefit of today’s trucker shortage is that it’s forcing many companies to increase their salary offerings. Underpaying a truck driver results in them quickly looking elsewhere.
Consistent Mileage
Without consistent mileage, payrates don’t mean much. Truck drivers want to earn consistent money, and the only way to do that is with regular mileage amounts.
Incentives and Rewards for Performance
In addition to being paid well, drivers expect to be rewarded for superior performance. This isn’t a handout for simply doing their job. This is something that is earned by going above and beyond. Truck driving can be dangerous. Those who work hard to stay accident free should be compensated accordingly.
Other bonuses and incentives can be very appealing to drivers as well.
Quality Home Time & Paid Time Off
Spending time at home is something that many people take for granted. You go to your job. You finish. You come home. For truck drivers, however, it’s not so simple. Work can keep them away for days, if not weeks, preventing them from seeing the people they care about.
Quality time is essential for them to maintain relationships and general stability. The same goes for paid time off. Without PTO, taking a vacation can feel like a punishment.
We Value What Truck Driver’s Value
At Woodruff Enterprises, we view our drivers as part of our family. That means valuing what they value. We make sure to offer competitive salary, consistent mileage, performance incentives, quality home time, paid time off, and more.
Most of our drivers operate within a 500-mile radius, allowing them to stay close to home and keep regular routes week after week. If you’re looking for a trucking company that will give you the respect you deserve, apply to Woodruff today!
Truck drivers are currently wanted in Charlotte, Springfield, Chicago, and more!